Three comparisons of the Acropolis and the Xianyang Palace:

  1. There is a repetition of columns among these structures which create unity. Also, the surrounding styles of the buildings are the same as the main structure. For example, the Parthenon and the Temple of Nike both have columns in their structures. The main large roof of the Xianyang Palace is copied in the other building’s roofs.
  2. Both the Xianyang palace and the Acropolis are risen off the main ground. The people walking to these structures have to climb whether it’s a big hill like in the Acropolis or many stairs for the Palace. So, major emphasis is expressed in the designs.
  3. The area of the Acropolis is asymmetrical and the structure of the Xianyang Palace is asymmetrical in itself. They both have angular lines for the building exteriors.

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